
Conference Format* (Click)
IEEE Copyright Form* (Click)
IEEE CopyrightForm Sample* (Click)
Registration Fee |
Authors (IEEE Member)*: |
460 USD / 2,800 人民币/ RM 1,200林吉特 |
Authors (Student)* |
430USD /2,500人民币/RM 1,000 林吉特 |
Authors (Non Member)* |
500 USD / 3,000 人民币/RM 1,500 林吉特 |
Listeners: |
200 USD / 1,500 人民币/RM 800 林吉特 |
Additional Paper(s)** |
300 USD / 2,200 人民币/RM 1,400 林吉特 |
Additional Page (Up to 4 extra pages) |
80 USD/ 500 人民币/RM 200 林吉特/page |
Extra Proceeding |
150 USD / 800 人民币 |
* One regular registration can cover a paper within FIVE pages, including all figures, tables, and references.
** One regular registration with one or more additional papers has only one proceeding.
***The registration fee covers the conference proceedings , conference program guide, attendance at all technical sessions, lunches and banquet, conference digest, and the conference souvenir gift.
****An Official Receipt for the payment will be passed to the registrant on the conference site |